Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The Alpha

   This effort has come about from thousands of emails tossed about between my family and I.  Aunts and uncles, dad and siblings have all been throwing their opinions at each other in witty banter for years now.  Not one for technology (I went without a cell phone for a year and a half just because I didn't want to be bothered), I usually sit the fights out until everyone has their say, left and right, and believe me, my family has both.  When everyone has finished with their friendly, over-educated discussion, I hit "Reply All" and start going off. 
   This exchange was working just fine for me, and still is.  However, when I see people like Eugene Robinson or Judge Napolitano on TV, it makes me want to scream as their input only scratches the surface of the true arguments.  The fact that people like that influence our culture and politics is shameful.  Oh, and I'm a big lefty, so maybe AOL will HuffPo me and let me retire without ever making a dime!  (The answer, Rupert, is yes, I will sell out, but it will cost you a whole lot more). 

   If there are any questions in regards to any of my posts, bring 'em, I'll reply.


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