Tuesday, February 8, 2011

On the AZ shooting, January 10, 2011

  Watching Meet the Press after the assassination attempt of an AZ representative, the first major assassination attempt that I can recall--too young for Reagan. What strikes me is how similar the debate is to every other issue that goes poorly for the Republicans. This kid, writing about how police have no Constitutional authority, is obviously a product of the Tea Party and radical right movement.  Most upsetting is the way the coverage of him is being treated. This should be a condemnation of media outlets which give equal legitimacy to things like the Tea Party as they do honorable and intelligent people. This kid who shot up a Safeway has never known a world without cell phones, internet, or war. Imagine being 10 years old when 9/11 hit, family stocking up with more and more guns, living close to the border that everyone is telling you terrorists and rapists are crossing daily. 
  With the complete disregard society has treated its youngest over the past 10 years, such displays of attention seeking an statement making will only increase, I fear. The need for self-expression, the grab for glorified fame, and the celebrity of the Virginia Tech and Columbine shooters is too appealing to pass up for misguided, mishandled youth who realize their voices will never be heard, they will not receive their 15 minutes of fame as promised.  The same type of criminal rebellion the country saw in the early 80s is on its way now, but so much more potent as their acts will be magnified by the very media and attitudes that supplied the feeling of being ignored and marginalized.
  The worst part of this discussion though, is the belief the right has put forward and the left has conceded too, that there are crazies on both sides. Both sides are guilty, there are extremists on the left and right. What a joke. Throwing blood on a fur coat, protesting whaling ships, and living in tree houses to protect forests are far different expressions than assassinations and blowing up government buildings (Tim McVeigh, OKC).
  The left needs to get aggressive on this.  Point out that the violence is being perpetrated exclusively by the right and make the connection of these actions to the amount of fear and hate mongering in the Party.  There is a consequence to scaring people on a daily basis and giving everyone guns.  If everyone sings Kumbaya and holds hands at a vigil, though, the real responsibility of catalyzing this hatred and distrust will once again dissipate and the lesson will again pass unlearned.
  This outburst is just the tip of the iceberg that political commentary 24/7 with equal respect given to both sides regardless of factual information is producing. Us lefties need to emphasize that it is ALWAYS the right doing crazy things. There would never be a concern about a hippie shooting Sarah Palin, deserved as it may be. There would not be a need for extra Secret Service around a President who was against gay marriage. The racists, the gun-slingers, the people who dragged James Earl behind a pick-up in Texas a few years ago--these are not liberals and it should be pointed out.
  I am sick of the two groups being equal when its advantageous to be for the right, and the left is demonized when the shoe is on the other foot. It's the same as comparing Charlie Rangle's corruption (what amounted to just tens of thousands of dollars over a 30+ year career), to John Ensign, Larry Craig, or Duke Cunningham who perpetrated some of the most ridiculous scams of all time on their constituents. These things are not the same. Having your brother appointed to a post is very different than flying to Argentina to pursue a mistress on state funds.
  If we keep treating these indiscretions as equal to each other just because they are both bad things, we put ourselves in a position where rape and jaywalking deserve the same condemnation. Ugh. So frustrating, I cant even think of a proper way to sum this up and tie it together with a witty remark. Sigh. 
  And the one guy who should be whacked never will be.  Glenn Beck. Not a single hippie with a rifle?


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