Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Just a Little to the Right...OK More...More...

   The Republicans have flanked the country with the swiftness and skill of Patton.  Through doing things like shouting out during last year's State of the Union, setting up a network full of beautiful people with attention seeking graphics and appealing visuals, and developing the Tea Party to appease the 70% of Republicans who are retarded gun-toters who will vote against their own interests because they think Jesus invented bullets.  Damn, they have a Democratic President who wants to cut spending all the time, and they still call him a Socialist.  Because of the Tea Party, the Republicans can own 2/3 or the news cycle by pretending they are different parties.  Meanwhile consistent losers like "I Eat Too Much Candy" Crowly sit on CNN and promise that Republicans will be out of office if they dont perform.  Wrong.  After the gerrymandering and the Citizens United decision, there will be very little losing on the Republican side.  As long as they  keep the public dumb and behave incompetently, they stay in power.  What a joke.
  I could have heard the same State of the Union from Bush, but the Republicans (who stay on their lofty perch by having the Tea Party do their dirty work) will skew this as the most liberal event since Lilith Fair (that's a Lesbian rock concert, for the old folks).  But honestly, if you can look that Bachmann and think there is sanity on the red side of the isle, you are more delusional than those who insist the world is 6000 years old. Anyone who doesnt have HBO, go back somehow and watch Rachael Maddow on Bill Maher Jan 21. Fantastic.  Wish Obama wasnt castrated the first 3 weeks of his presidency. Fuckin Donkeys.  Hee Haw!

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