Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Sex, Guns, and Habanera

I was watching Megyn Kelly the other day and she was, as usual, condemming someone.  It's ok when she does it, though, because she's in Carson Daly's old studio, so she's obviously hip, and she is supremely attractive, so we should all try to be more like her, duh.  Anyway, she was talking about how awful abortion is and how it shouldn't be paid for, not even a penny, by taxpayers.  Obviously she has never made a mistake in her life, mostly because she is a good Christian woman, of course.  Obama had called abortion a "right to be used sparingly," or something like that, and Megyn (she even spells it kinda hot) said, "what other rights should be used sparingly?"  "No, really, can you name another right we have in the Constitution that should be used sparingly?  No."  This, nostrils flaring, veins cracking the make-up, was her impassioned argument.  Well, I was not the guest on the show that particular day, so I will reply here...the right to bear arms.

It's amazing to me how the same people who defend gun rights are so religious. What about "Thou shalt not kill," is vague? What else do guns do than kill--and if you are going to say they protect you, aren't you supposed to "turn the other cheek?"  Everyone turns to the second amendment and says it's our right to have guns as Americans. True, but why aren't priests and nuns packing? Go figure, it's as if they believe in an afterlife.  Does the freedom to "bear arms" mean I can have a nuke? No. How about a Gatling gun? A bazooka? Is there ever a reason for an individual to have anything other than a simple handgun or rifle? Not really, unless they are trying to mount an assault.
    Maybe the best part of living in the United States is that we can buy more of what we want than the rest of the world, because satisfying our needs is relatively inexpensive.  However, when we are purchasing a weapon, we should instead be concerning ourselves with if we need it.  The idea that I can go to Walmart and purchase a gun just as easily as a Playstation and the registration process is about the same for both is pretty silly and people should recognize that.  How is it that I have to see a doctor to get penicillin, but a gun a can get without a note?  Please just stop saying that guns are great for everyone to have and in the same breath praise the Guy who told you not to kill anything. Oh, that goes for the death penalty too. Pick a side, folks.

Beyond that note, let's look at the politics of the AZ shooting.  2012 is going to Obama, that's clear just from listening to him speak.  Every time anyone does, they listen and he makes sense.  That is a whole lot more than any Republican can say right now.  In 2016 the GOP, if it can get over its inherent racism (tough task), will put up Marco Rubio for President.  As a Cuban, he will be able to codify the Hispanic vote, even though his policies will screw over the community, but that's beside the point.  The only response the Dems will have is Giffords.  Yeah, that's right, a pretty blond woman from a red state who is sympathetic to the Hispanic community, AND got shot in the head.  Get Richardson behind her, maybe even as a VP, and they have a good story.  If Rubio gets in and does just one thing for the Hispanics, the Republicans will own the Hispanic vote for 20 years or more.  Can't let that happen, for the sake of the Hispanic community and the country.  Get well soon, Gabby, you got a lot of work to do!

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